Most of the remade VARIABLE plates have arrived at our warehouse with the remainder to be completed in 3-4 days.
We’re aiming to complete fulfilment of solderable/VARIABLE Jules orders by late July.
The W01-A Internal Weights mentioned in the last update ended up arriving earlier than expected.
As a result, we have completed shipping all KARA orders as of the 16th of July!
The majority of M50-A orders have also been sent out. The remainder will be fulfilled next week.
U80-A SEQ2
Due to a small miscommunication from our manufacturer, we were under the impression that the first batch of U80-A SEQ2 was on the same shipment/container as the W01-A Internal Weights, as noted in the last update.
Our manufacturer has since let us know that the U80-A units were picked up at the same time as the weights. However, due to the sheer volume of the shipment, the freight company had to arrange for them to be shipped in a separate container and consequently, on a different ship.
We’re expecting to receive more details and an updated ETA soon!
Pre-production (material sourcing, tooling, etc.) for Thermal SEQ2 and Thermal+ is underway. Tentatively, we’re currently expecting production to complete in late Q4.
Fulfilment of NEMO DECOMMISSION 2 and the RW01 NIGHT EDITION completed a couple of weeks ago.
The first tool releases/samples for the KATE keycaps had some injection marks that we weren’t happy with. We’re currently reworking the tooling to move/reduce them.
We want the standard of quality to be as high as possible, so we’re really taking our time to get it right.
Beginning on the 16th of July, Victoria, where our warehouse is located, entered a snap lockdown in order to contain a new outbreak of COVID-19.
The lockdown is currently planned to last for 5 days.
For the health and safety of our team, we are operating at a reduced capacity.
Everyone’s support and patience is, as always, greatly appreciated as we do our best to continue to ship orders while adhering to restrictions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support team by emailing support@rama.works and/or submitting a ticket at https://support.rama.care/